Hepatic Profile
Remember that this article is a brief guide to the functioning of the organ
and the usefulness of certain studies, only the medical professional is indicated
to make a diagnosis based on laboratory results
Elevated liver enzymes may reflect liver damage or impaired bile flow.
It can occur in a patient with signs or symptoms consistent with liver disease, or it can occur in isolation, as an unexpected finding, during a routine laboratory study.
Liver diseases often result in elevated enzymes, with levels exceeding normal values by two standard deviations since their decrease, with the exception of albumin, has no clinical significance .... see liver profile here
The liver
It is the main organ in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
In addition, it synthesizes and secretes bile, lipoproteins, and plasma proteins, including clotting factors.
With the exception of most lipids, products that are absorbed from food pass directly from the intestine to the liver through the portal system.
Microscopically, the primary functional unit of the liver is the acinus, a territory supplied by each terminal branch of the hepatic artery and portal vein.
The hepatic acinus is divided into 3 zones according to the blood supply; zone 3 is the one with the least perfusion and the one that harbors the greatest number of mitochondria.
Liver function tests
It is applied to a variety of blood tests to find out the general condition of the liver and biliary system.
In addition to the usual liver tests obtained through routine automated serologic chemistry panels, more specific liver tests, such as viral serology tests or autoimmune tests, may be required which, when positive, can determine the specific cause of liver disease. See Hepatic Profile here
Liver tests can be divided into two types:
1st) Those that give real values of liver function, such as serum albumin or prothrombin time;
2nd) Those markers of liver disease or the biliary system, such as different liver enzymes,
Lastly, there are specific blood tests that allow an accurate diagnosis for hepatitis A, B, C, and D.